"Every Last Drop" (每一点滴)

// BLURB //
Humans always get in the way of Mother Nature. There’s no denying it. They always claim to have a good reason for cutting down acres of rainforests, or for pumping animals full of hormones, but the simple reality is – they will do anything to get what they want. Scientists constantly warn of the impending doom climate change is bringing, yet no one seems to be fazed. Humans continue to interrupt the flow of nature at every possible moment, vying to give their unnecessary input, their ‘two cents’ no one ever asked for. Clear skies in time for the Beijing Olympics? Increasing rainfall in times of drought? Why not make it happen? As such, cloud seeding has become a popular problem solver in recent years. This relatively new form of weather modification adds tiny particles such as that of silver iodide to clouds, in turn increasing the output of rainfall from clouds. Evaporation, condensation… interruption…precipitation. Scientists have come up with an ingenious way of influencing the water cycle. The question we must ask is, what is the occasion here?
Humans always get in the way of Mother Nature. There’s no denying it. They always claim to have a good reason for cutting down acres of rainforests, or for pumping animals full of hormones, but the simple reality is – they will do anything to get what they want. Scientists constantly warn of the impending doom climate change is bringing, yet no one seems to be fazed. Humans continue to interrupt the flow of nature at every possible moment, vying to give their unnecessary input, their ‘two cents’ no one ever asked for. Clear skies in time for the Beijing Olympics? Increasing rainfall in times of drought? Why not make it happen? As such, cloud seeding has become a popular problem solver in recent years. This relatively new form of weather modification adds tiny particles such as that of silver iodide to clouds, in turn increasing the output of rainfall from clouds. Evaporation, condensation… interruption…precipitation. Scientists have come up with an ingenious way of influencing the water cycle. The question we must ask is, what is the occasion here?
SOLD. Private Collection, Shanghai.
SOLD. Private Collection, Shanghai.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2018
RGB LED display, acrylic painting on Plexiglas, paper collage, teakwood frame
52(W)×52(H)×5.5(D) cm // 9.5 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 4×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 3×RGB P4-64*32-V1.0 (HG2016080505-100)
65(W)×65(H)×18.5(D) cm // 21.5 kg
“The Geometry Of Binary Life” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Owen 欧文 (painting) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (performance & production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction, animation & technical guidance) • Irmantas Bortnikas (documentation) • Mi-Gyung Kim (blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2018
RGB LED display, acrylic painting on Plexiglas, paper collage, teakwood frame
52(W)×52(H)×5.5(D) cm // 9.5 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 4×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 3×RGB P4-64*32-V1.0 (HG2016080505-100)
65(W)×65(H)×18.5(D) cm // 21.5 kg
“The Geometry Of Binary Life” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Owen 欧文 (painting) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (performance & production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction, animation & technical guidance) • Irmantas Bortnikas (documentation) • Mi-Gyung Kim (blurb)