"Bonsai Bae" (盆景宝贝)

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According to Chinese philosophy, everything in the universe possesses two properties: “yin” and “yang”. Yin is dark, yang is light, yin is night, yang is day, yin is cold, yang is hot. One yin and one yang make the Dao, or the way of nature. In a way, a set of values to live by. Lessons by nature about time and change, the good and the bad. Yin yang is the clearest expression of equilibrium. It describes how contrary forces can work together to achieve perfect symmetry. What goes up, must come down, and vice versa, continuously. Like swings in the air on a warm spring day. “Hao shi cheng shuang” (好事成双) is a Chinese proverb, roughly translating to “there are two good/happy things” or more commonly heard, “good things come in pairs”. This is because balance brings perfect harmony and order to nature. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu was quoted saying, “one created two”, meaning “one” possesses the properties of both yin and yang. I believe Master Lao Tzu was on to something, after all life is better when shared with your favorite bae.
According to Chinese philosophy, everything in the universe possesses two properties: “yin” and “yang”. Yin is dark, yang is light, yin is night, yang is day, yin is cold, yang is hot. One yin and one yang make the Dao, or the way of nature. In a way, a set of values to live by. Lessons by nature about time and change, the good and the bad. Yin yang is the clearest expression of equilibrium. It describes how contrary forces can work together to achieve perfect symmetry. What goes up, must come down, and vice versa, continuously. Like swings in the air on a warm spring day. “Hao shi cheng shuang” (好事成双) is a Chinese proverb, roughly translating to “there are two good/happy things” or more commonly heard, “good things come in pairs”. This is because balance brings perfect harmony and order to nature. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu was quoted saying, “one created two”, meaning “one” possesses the properties of both yin and yang. I believe Master Lao Tzu was on to something, after all life is better when shared with your favorite bae.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2022
RGB LED display, acrylic painting on Plexiglass, Vietnamese linen embedded in hand cast resin, teakwood frame
65(W)×46.5(H)×5.5(D) cm // 11.2 kg
• 1×SLC SD Card
• 3×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• (2+1 spare)×RGB P4-1921-64X32-8S-M3 / SWP4210114MGJF-0490/196
81(W)×62(H)×21(D) cm // 25.9 kg
“The Freaky Deaky island6 Circus Show” at island6 Shanghai
Wang Chuanwen 王传文 (painting) • Camilla Zhao 赵莹 (performance) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & animation) • Tiara Alvarado-Leon (blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2022
RGB LED display, acrylic painting on Plexiglass, Vietnamese linen embedded in hand cast resin, teakwood frame
65(W)×46.5(H)×5.5(D) cm // 11.2 kg
• 1×SLC SD Card
• 3×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• (2+1 spare)×RGB P4-1921-64X32-8S-M3 / SWP4210114MGJF-0490/196
81(W)×62(H)×21(D) cm // 25.9 kg
“The Freaky Deaky island6 Circus Show” at island6 Shanghai
Wang Chuanwen 王传文 (painting) • Camilla Zhao 赵莹 (performance) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & animation) • Tiara Alvarado-Leon (blurb)