"Domesticated Dinosaurs" (驯养恐龙)

// BLURB //
Is your dog constantly begging for attention? Do you come home to find your trash can’s deepest and dirtiest secrets spilled all over the kitchen tile? Have you discovered what a roll of toilet paper looks like in the form of 5000 tiny shredded pieces spread out over your living room and bathroom? Let’s face it, the list goes on. Pets can be as much of a time investment as a second child! If only there was a way to gain all the benefits of owning a pet without the heavy responsibility of raising another life. With the latest advances in technology, the makers of Cardboard Companion™ bring you Domesticated Dinosaur™! No more accidents to clean up in the house. This fun bundle of metal is self-sustaining through a complex process of ‘existing’. No more visits to the vet. Simply enjoy the companionship of your new friend without the worry and hassle of normal pet ownership. With its lightweight frame, Domesticated Dinosaur™ makes an excellent travel companion! We recommend you don’t leave him in the rain.
Is your dog constantly begging for attention? Do you come home to find your trash can’s deepest and dirtiest secrets spilled all over the kitchen tile? Have you discovered what a roll of toilet paper looks like in the form of 5000 tiny shredded pieces spread out over your living room and bathroom? Let’s face it, the list goes on. Pets can be as much of a time investment as a second child! If only there was a way to gain all the benefits of owning a pet without the heavy responsibility of raising another life. With the latest advances in technology, the makers of Cardboard Companion™ bring you Domesticated Dinosaur™! No more accidents to clean up in the house. This fun bundle of metal is self-sustaining through a complex process of ‘existing’. No more visits to the vet. Simply enjoy the companionship of your new friend without the worry and hassle of normal pet ownership. With its lightweight frame, Domesticated Dinosaur™ makes an excellent travel companion! We recommend you don’t leave him in the rain.
1/8 Edition, Shanghai 2016
Stainless steel structure, IR sensor, 8-bit microcontroller, powered speakers
59(W)×67(H)×20.5(D) cm // 19.3 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 1×MWLPV20-12 (INPUT 90~264VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT12V@1.67A)
• 1×MWPLN30-20 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.45A / OUTPUT 20V@1.5A)
• E3Z-D62 • Arduino Uno • HiVi S3WSE
43(W)×83(H)×102(D) cm // 48.9 kg
• “Fanatic Automatic” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
• Art Santa Fe 2016
• cu.union Concept Fair at ALLUNEEDNOW
Zhang Deng 张登 (technical realization) • Mychaelangelo Norkus (sound design) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & technical guidance) • Ryan Nimmo (documentation) • Anto Lau (documentation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor)
1/8 Edition, Shanghai 2016
Stainless steel structure, IR sensor, 8-bit microcontroller, powered speakers
59(W)×67(H)×20.5(D) cm // 19.3 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 1×MWLPV20-12 (INPUT 90~264VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT12V@1.67A)
• 1×MWPLN30-20 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.45A / OUTPUT 20V@1.5A)
• E3Z-D62 • Arduino Uno • HiVi S3WSE
43(W)×83(H)×102(D) cm // 48.9 kg
• “Fanatic Automatic” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
• Art Santa Fe 2016
• cu.union Concept Fair at ALLUNEEDNOW
Zhang Deng 张登 (technical realization) • Mychaelangelo Norkus (sound design) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & technical guidance) • Ryan Nimmo (documentation) • Anto Lau (documentation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor)