"Escape Attempt" 一次关于逃亡的实验

// BLURB //
Prepare to be amazed, astounded, and astonished as, for one night only, Ming the Magnificent shall attempt the most daring of escapological feats- one that shall leave even the most unshakable among you thoroughly dumbfounded. Despite being confined within solid steel, latched twenty-four-fold with the same Shanghai-made padlocks used by the State Bank of China, he shall, using no trickery, chicanery, or skullduggery, release himself from the nigh inescapable prison that stands before your very eyes. Ladies and gentleman, this is no illusion, and the magician is in true and mortal peril, for, my dear audience, if he fails to free himself before the clock stops ticking, he shall find himself transfigured into a hundred Chinese vases. But fear not, for although the cage be steel and the danger be real, the man entrapped before you is an expert, and, as you can clearly see, he has never failed before.
Prepare to be amazed, astounded, and astonished as, for one night only, Ming the Magnificent shall attempt the most daring of escapological feats- one that shall leave even the most unshakable among you thoroughly dumbfounded. Despite being confined within solid steel, latched twenty-four-fold with the same Shanghai-made padlocks used by the State Bank of China, he shall, using no trickery, chicanery, or skullduggery, release himself from the nigh inescapable prison that stands before your very eyes. Ladies and gentleman, this is no illusion, and the magician is in true and mortal peril, for, my dear audience, if he fails to free himself before the clock stops ticking, he shall find himself transfigured into a hundred Chinese vases. But fear not, for although the cage be steel and the danger be real, the man entrapped before you is an expert, and, as you can clearly see, he has never failed before.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2016
Ceramic vases, steel structure, padlocks
60(W)×172(H)×60(D) cm // 100 kg
65(W)×1180(H)×65(D) cm // 150 kg
• “Ten” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Ryan Nimmo (documentation) • Anto Lau (documentation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Charlie Caplan (blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2016
Ceramic vases, steel structure, padlocks
60(W)×172(H)×60(D) cm // 100 kg
65(W)×1180(H)×65(D) cm // 150 kg
• “Ten” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Ryan Nimmo (documentation) • Anto Lau (documentation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Charlie Caplan (blurb)