"Glamour in the Chance" (魅力机遇)

// BLURB //
I’ve never been to Macao, but I have been to the back-room of my regular pool hall. I love gambling. There’s an allure to it, a glamour in the chance that when the cards are down, I could be walking out with lady luck at my side. I bet on nearly everything I can—mahjong, snooker, western elections— but for me it’s not about winning or losing. Gambling itself is an artform, and it’s the process that really matters. Some would disagree. Through artworks and writing, others tell a story of the gambles we make in our everyday lives. They might say that every decision we make has an amount of risk to it, but also some calculation. This approach of living as gambling is romantic and optimistic with apparent confidence that the odds can be consistently beaten. I’m not so sure of either—that people act rationally or that there is always a chance of winning. The process is always reliable though, with open arms and open palms.
I’ve never been to Macao, but I have been to the back-room of my regular pool hall. I love gambling. There’s an allure to it, a glamour in the chance that when the cards are down, I could be walking out with lady luck at my side. I bet on nearly everything I can—mahjong, snooker, western elections— but for me it’s not about winning or losing. Gambling itself is an artform, and it’s the process that really matters. Some would disagree. Through artworks and writing, others tell a story of the gambles we make in our everyday lives. They might say that every decision we make has an amount of risk to it, but also some calculation. This approach of living as gambling is romantic and optimistic with apparent confidence that the odds can be consistently beaten. I’m not so sure of either—that people act rationally or that there is always a chance of winning. The process is always reliable though, with open arms and open palms.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2019
RGB LED display, acrylic painting on Plexiglass, paper collage, teakwood frame
102(W)×102(H)×5.5(D) cm // 29.8 kg
• 1×SLC SD Card
• 2×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 4×ELN-30-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.75A / OUTPUT 5V@5A)
• (9+1 spare)×RGB P5-2525-8S-HL1.0 / D180648
116(W)×116(H)×20(D) cm // 65.5 kg
“Who Needs Men Anyway?” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Owen 欧文 (painting) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & animation) • Carlin Reinig (blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2019
RGB LED display, acrylic painting on Plexiglass, paper collage, teakwood frame
102(W)×102(H)×5.5(D) cm // 29.8 kg
• 1×SLC SD Card
• 2×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 4×ELN-30-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.75A / OUTPUT 5V@5A)
• (9+1 spare)×RGB P5-2525-8S-HL1.0 / D180648
116(W)×116(H)×20(D) cm // 65.5 kg
“Who Needs Men Anyway?” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Owen 欧文 (painting) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & animation) • Carlin Reinig (blurb)