"Goddess of Speed" (女神的速度)

// BLURB //
The first time I met her, I would not touch her the whole night. Only look at her. I talked to her, but she wouldn’t say a word. I already knew she was a goddess who would not need a man to feel valued, and when I was with her I felt joy that would only exist in other worlds. Roland Barthes wrote that she had “fallen from the sky” for a reason. The Citroën DS or “Déesse” is truly a goddess of new age design that is visually alien and uncomfortable, representing the future in the present. Similar to the abstraction in Giacomo Balla’s futurist “Velocity of an Automobile” that only made sense in the context of speed and dynamism, not in that of conventional representation. Futurism was an artistic vision that rejected the old, but who would have known that within a few decades the space race would enable the realization of that new world. That’s why we are speechless looking at the technological boom that brings the future in our lives. And it’s happening so fast we can’t even realize the future we dreamed about came already.
The first time I met her, I would not touch her the whole night. Only look at her. I talked to her, but she wouldn’t say a word. I already knew she was a goddess who would not need a man to feel valued, and when I was with her I felt joy that would only exist in other worlds. Roland Barthes wrote that she had “fallen from the sky” for a reason. The Citroën DS or “Déesse” is truly a goddess of new age design that is visually alien and uncomfortable, representing the future in the present. Similar to the abstraction in Giacomo Balla’s futurist “Velocity of an Automobile” that only made sense in the context of speed and dynamism, not in that of conventional representation. Futurism was an artistic vision that rejected the old, but who would have known that within a few decades the space race would enable the realization of that new world. That’s why we are speechless looking at the technological boom that brings the future in our lives. And it’s happening so fast we can’t even realize the future we dreamed about came already.
SOLD. Private Collection, New York City, NY.
SOLD. Private Collection, New York City, NY.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2017
TFT display, acrylic painting on Plexiglas, paper collage, IR sensor, 8-bit microcontroller, teakwood frame
52(W)×52(H)×7(D) cm // 12 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 10.4" TFT LCD display with LED backlight - TKUN JT104XGA-HDMI-TFT.LED (INPUT 12V 3A)
• HD222 media player • E3Z-D62 • Arduino Uno R3
• 1×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 1×MWLPV20-12 (INPUT 90~264VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT12V@1.67A)
• 1×M120300P911 (INPUT 100~240VAC@1.2A / OUTPUT 12VDC@3A)
66(W)×66(H)×21.9(D) cm // 27.2 kg
“The Geometry Of Binary Life”
Katrina Louy 卡萨琳娜 (performance) • Mark Mehanni (performance & casting) • Jin Yun 金云 (painting) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction, animation & technical guidance) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor & documentation) • András Gál (documentation & blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2017
TFT display, acrylic painting on Plexiglas, paper collage, IR sensor, 8-bit microcontroller, teakwood frame
52(W)×52(H)×7(D) cm // 12 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 10.4" TFT LCD display with LED backlight - TKUN JT104XGA-HDMI-TFT.LED (INPUT 12V 3A)
• HD222 media player • E3Z-D62 • Arduino Uno R3
• 1×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 1×MWLPV20-12 (INPUT 90~264VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT12V@1.67A)
• 1×M120300P911 (INPUT 100~240VAC@1.2A / OUTPUT 12VDC@3A)
66(W)×66(H)×21.9(D) cm // 27.2 kg
“The Geometry Of Binary Life”
Katrina Louy 卡萨琳娜 (performance) • Mark Mehanni (performance & casting) • Jin Yun 金云 (painting) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction, animation & technical guidance) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor & documentation) • András Gál (documentation & blurb)