"Gone With The Blue" (随蓝而去)

// BLURB //
At first, I only saw a girl out of context. Or not even that, just a sketched outline and warm colors. But every first impression is wrong. Even the impressionists first impressions were probably wrong. You always have to correct the first-drawn lines until you find the right one. Until then she is non-existent. But the question is what happens with her after. We know from Roland Barthes that the artwork is separated from the artist, meaning we can’t understand it through the creator’s personality. Instead, it is a “fabric of quotations”. This, of course, would mean that the girl is not original—but none of us are. What we say, what we write, what we think has been said, written and thought by countless people, at least in fragments. If it weren’t this way, the art world would be a babel of meaningless voices, styles without reflecting on and communicating with their contemporaries and the old masters. It’s quite the opposite. It’s original, where originality means the mixture of little trivialities. Like a pair of old shoes, somebody staring out of a restaurant’s window, or a girl made of light.
At first, I only saw a girl out of context. Or not even that, just a sketched outline and warm colors. But every first impression is wrong. Even the impressionists first impressions were probably wrong. You always have to correct the first-drawn lines until you find the right one. Until then she is non-existent. But the question is what happens with her after. We know from Roland Barthes that the artwork is separated from the artist, meaning we can’t understand it through the creator’s personality. Instead, it is a “fabric of quotations”. This, of course, would mean that the girl is not original—but none of us are. What we say, what we write, what we think has been said, written and thought by countless people, at least in fragments. If it weren’t this way, the art world would be a babel of meaningless voices, styles without reflecting on and communicating with their contemporaries and the old masters. It’s quite the opposite. It’s original, where originality means the mixture of little trivialities. Like a pair of old shoes, somebody staring out of a restaurant’s window, or a girl made of light.
1/8 Edition, Shanghai 2018
RGB LED display, one-way glass, teakwood frame
41(W)×41(H)×5.5(D) cm // 6.35 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 3×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 2×RGB PH5-16S-E-HX
51(W)×51(H)×16(D) cm // 12.2 kg
“Disaster Diaries” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Zhang Tian Yi 张天伦 (performance) • Thomas Charvériat (animation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Irmantas Bortnikas (documentation) • András Gál (blurb)
1/8 Edition, Shanghai 2018
RGB LED display, one-way glass, teakwood frame
41(W)×41(H)×5.5(D) cm // 6.35 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 3×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 2×RGB PH5-16S-E-HX
51(W)×51(H)×16(D) cm // 12.2 kg
“Disaster Diaries” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Zhang Tian Yi 张天伦 (performance) • Thomas Charvériat (animation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Irmantas Bortnikas (documentation) • András Gál (blurb)