"Good Vibes" (美好感受)

// BLURB //
Oftentimes, there is a tension between speed and quality. In the minds of most, what is done quickly is not done well; what is done well is not done quickly. But if slow builds lead to a more satisfying release, then how does one explain the rapid economic expansion in China? Everyone on Earth knows the story of the Chinese miracle that saw Pudong district transform from rice paddies to an LED infused, sky-scraping concrete paradise in 30 short years. This brings to mind the too-familiar adage, “out with the old, in with the new”; renewed commitment to this platitude brings a well-placed optimism of what’s to come and with it, re-energized willpower in the face of an uncertain future. It also calls into question the veracity of speed-quality claims. Artists poke holes here too, sometimes literally. Some artists are obsessed with puncturing painted canvases, using quick slashes and stabs to create depth and reflect their own pasts. These artists, who make their marks in unconventional ways, generate something novel in the relationship we have with the canvas, a paradoxical meaning-making from taking away.
Oftentimes, there is a tension between speed and quality. In the minds of most, what is done quickly is not done well; what is done well is not done quickly. But if slow builds lead to a more satisfying release, then how does one explain the rapid economic expansion in China? Everyone on Earth knows the story of the Chinese miracle that saw Pudong district transform from rice paddies to an LED infused, sky-scraping concrete paradise in 30 short years. This brings to mind the too-familiar adage, “out with the old, in with the new”; renewed commitment to this platitude brings a well-placed optimism of what’s to come and with it, re-energized willpower in the face of an uncertain future. It also calls into question the veracity of speed-quality claims. Artists poke holes here too, sometimes literally. Some artists are obsessed with puncturing painted canvases, using quick slashes and stabs to create depth and reflect their own pasts. These artists, who make their marks in unconventional ways, generate something novel in the relationship we have with the canvas, a paradoxical meaning-making from taking away.
Shanghai 2019
Giclée print face-mounted to plexiglass on aluminum Dibond panel, aluminum frame
281.7(W)×95.2(H)×3(D) cm // 8 kg (framed)
291(W)×105(H)×15(D) cm // 40 kg
• “Perimeters, Edges, and Walls” at island6 Shanghai
Nick Hersey (art direction & illustration) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & photography) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Carlin Reinig (blurb)
Shanghai 2019
Giclée print face-mounted to plexiglass on aluminum Dibond panel, aluminum frame
281.7(W)×95.2(H)×3(D) cm // 8 kg (framed)
291(W)×105(H)×15(D) cm // 40 kg
• “Perimeters, Edges, and Walls” at island6 Shanghai
Nick Hersey (art direction & illustration) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction & photography) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Carlin Reinig (blurb)