"Graffiti Trophy" (涂鸦战利品)

// BLURB //
“I have guessed your secret, Bluebeard.
I can guess what you are hiding.”
[Bluebeard’s castle. Operetta by Bela Bartok, 1911, Libretto by Bela Balazs, English translation Christopher Hassall]
After they managed to get in in the darkness, they shut the door as they were kissing. “Let’s turn the lights on, okay?” she asked, but the switch didn’t work. “Let the moonshine in, then. Where are the windows?” “Don’t ask, Judith, just come over here,” he pleaded. “Don’t be silly, I want to see the castle of my prince!” She grabbed a torch and went to explore the loft. “What’s behind the doors?” She found the keys in a drawer. “What are you afraid of?” she laughed at the pale man. She opened the doors one by one. There was a gym in the first room, sweaty and stinky. She found a room full of guitars and skateboards with female underwear scattered on the floor. She was scared. He begged her not to continue, but he knew it was no use. She couldn’t believe what she saw in the third room--countless bundles of money and bags of cocaine. “What is happening here, Bluebeard?” she laughed manically. The last door was all walled up. “What’s behind this wall? Your trophies? Girls who will never see the sunshine again?
“I have guessed your secret, Bluebeard.
I can guess what you are hiding.”
[Bluebeard’s castle. Operetta by Bela Bartok, 1911, Libretto by Bela Balazs, English translation Christopher Hassall]
After they managed to get in in the darkness, they shut the door as they were kissing. “Let’s turn the lights on, okay?” she asked, but the switch didn’t work. “Let the moonshine in, then. Where are the windows?” “Don’t ask, Judith, just come over here,” he pleaded. “Don’t be silly, I want to see the castle of my prince!” She grabbed a torch and went to explore the loft. “What’s behind the doors?” She found the keys in a drawer. “What are you afraid of?” she laughed at the pale man. She opened the doors one by one. There was a gym in the first room, sweaty and stinky. She found a room full of guitars and skateboards with female underwear scattered on the floor. She was scared. He begged her not to continue, but he knew it was no use. She couldn’t believe what she saw in the third room--countless bundles of money and bags of cocaine. “What is happening here, Bluebeard?” she laughed manically. The last door was all walled up. “What’s behind this wall? Your trophies? Girls who will never see the sunshine again?
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2016
Oil painting on canvas, teakwood frame
176(W)×141(H)×6.5(D) cm // 15.8 kg (framed)
186(W)×152(H)×12(D) cm // 43 kg
“Wallism” at island6 ShGarden
Song Jinxuan 宋堇萱 (painting) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (documentation & production supervisor) • András Gál (blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2016
Oil painting on canvas, teakwood frame
176(W)×141(H)×6.5(D) cm // 15.8 kg (framed)
186(W)×152(H)×12(D) cm // 43 kg
“Wallism” at island6 ShGarden
Song Jinxuan 宋堇萱 (painting) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (documentation & production supervisor) • András Gál (blurb)