"Idol For The Times" (时代偶像)

// BLURB //
It’s no doubt that tools make our lives easier. More than that, they are undoubtedly the way in which we human beings went from being a mere species to the dominant species on Earth. Our extraordinary ability to use simple tools to make complex tools has led us down a path of self-fulfilling creativity, of making things to make things to make things. And we have engaged this system totally, leaving almost nothing on the planet “un-made”, so much so that there have been calls from environmental groups to embrace a sort of “un-madeness” in our daily lives. Specific actions range from not eating meat to taking alternative forms of transportation in your daily commute. Regardless of all of this, we are certainly in a time of unprecedented human efficiency, ease of life, and access to information. History has shown that if determined enough, we are an unstoppable force to whatever we put our collective action to. And what do we do with this unique position and the seemingly endless possibilities at our fingertips? Right! We build atomic bombs and dildo factories. We also build bikes though, which almost make up for all the bombs. Almost.
It’s no doubt that tools make our lives easier. More than that, they are undoubtedly the way in which we human beings went from being a mere species to the dominant species on Earth. Our extraordinary ability to use simple tools to make complex tools has led us down a path of self-fulfilling creativity, of making things to make things to make things. And we have engaged this system totally, leaving almost nothing on the planet “un-made”, so much so that there have been calls from environmental groups to embrace a sort of “un-madeness” in our daily lives. Specific actions range from not eating meat to taking alternative forms of transportation in your daily commute. Regardless of all of this, we are certainly in a time of unprecedented human efficiency, ease of life, and access to information. History has shown that if determined enough, we are an unstoppable force to whatever we put our collective action to. And what do we do with this unique position and the seemingly endless possibilities at our fingertips? Right! We build atomic bombs and dildo factories. We also build bikes though, which almost make up for all the bombs. Almost.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2018
Gongbi painting (工笔) on rice paper, teakwood frame
46.5(W)×64(H)×2.5(D) cm // 3.4 kg (framed)
54(W)×69(H)×12(D) cm // 8.6 kg
• “Disaster Diaries” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Wang Tie Zhong 王铁中 (Gongbi) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Irmantas Bortnikas (documentation) • Carlin Reinig (blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2018
Gongbi painting (工笔) on rice paper, teakwood frame
46.5(W)×64(H)×2.5(D) cm // 3.4 kg (framed)
54(W)×69(H)×12(D) cm // 8.6 kg
• “Disaster Diaries” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Wang Tie Zhong 王铁中 (Gongbi) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Irmantas Bortnikas (documentation) • Carlin Reinig (blurb)