"Rex, Max, and Missy" (雷克斯 马克斯和大小姐)

// BLURB //
No wonder it was so damn noisy in there, it was Rex and Missy… and Max. That’s right, the three of them were mixing it up something fierce. Big understatement sayin’ it was wet in there, you could’ve wrung the whole place out and filled a kiddie pool. Oh boy there were some sounds happenin’ too, ones you don’t hear often. Sounds you might mistake for pain but turn out to be anything but. If you came across the scene afterwards you wouldn’t believe it. The three of them worn out and layin’ all over each other like dead bodies after war. And a war it was, the three of them fighting for who should be where, who should be givin’ what and takin’ it where and all that business. Yea it must’ve been a hell of a time for those three, if they barked to scare you away don’t take it personal, they were in the midst of some grade-A action. Hell, I’d bark you away too.
No wonder it was so damn noisy in there, it was Rex and Missy… and Max. That’s right, the three of them were mixing it up something fierce. Big understatement sayin’ it was wet in there, you could’ve wrung the whole place out and filled a kiddie pool. Oh boy there were some sounds happenin’ too, ones you don’t hear often. Sounds you might mistake for pain but turn out to be anything but. If you came across the scene afterwards you wouldn’t believe it. The three of them worn out and layin’ all over each other like dead bodies after war. And a war it was, the three of them fighting for who should be where, who should be givin’ what and takin’ it where and all that business. Yea it must’ve been a hell of a time for those three, if they barked to scare you away don’t take it personal, they were in the midst of some grade-A action. Hell, I’d bark you away too.
1/8 Edition, Shanghai 2016
Stainless steel structure, IR sensor, 8-bit microcontroller, powered speakers
33(W)×48(H)×33(D) cm // 11.2 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 1×MWLPV20-12 (INPUT 90~264VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT12V@1.67A)
• 1×MWPLN30-20 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.45A / OUTPUT 20V@1.5A)
• E3Z-D62 • Arduino Uno • HiVi S3WSE
47(W)×62(H)×47(D) cm // 21.2 kg
• “Fanatic Automatic” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Thomas Charvériat (art direction & technical guidance) • David Poppell (sound design) • Ryan Nimmo (documentation & blurb) • Anto Lau (documentation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor)
1/8 Edition, Shanghai 2016
Stainless steel structure, IR sensor, 8-bit microcontroller, powered speakers
33(W)×48(H)×33(D) cm // 11.2 kg
• SLC SD Card
• 1×MWLPV20-12 (INPUT 90~264VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT12V@1.67A)
• 1×MWPLN30-20 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.45A / OUTPUT 20V@1.5A)
• E3Z-D62 • Arduino Uno • HiVi S3WSE
47(W)×62(H)×47(D) cm // 21.2 kg
• “Fanatic Automatic” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Thomas Charvériat (art direction & technical guidance) • David Poppell (sound design) • Ryan Nimmo (documentation & blurb) • Anto Lau (documentation) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor)