"Let’s Hit It...OK?" (我们上路吧)

// BLURB //
Let’s get the fuck out of here. I mean really. Lets you and I walk out that door right now with whatever we have on us and get in my car. It’s a piece of shit but it can serve this new giddy escape plan just fine. I don’t know where will go or what we’ll do but I don’t think do nothing is an option any longer. I think we’re dying here. Drowning in a quicksand of rote tasks and television. Let’s find a beach, let’s open a restaurant somewhere with too much sunshine. Let’s have no agenda except breaking the speed limit for as long as we might get away with it until we arrive. Don’t tell your friends and I won’t tell mine. We’ll find new ones. We’ll start the life we always quietly knew we’d live someday just you and me and some yet unknown but feverishly welcoming small cozy beach town. Let’s hit it ok? Or be prepared to face the consequences if we don’t.
Let’s get the fuck out of here. I mean really. Lets you and I walk out that door right now with whatever we have on us and get in my car. It’s a piece of shit but it can serve this new giddy escape plan just fine. I don’t know where will go or what we’ll do but I don’t think do nothing is an option any longer. I think we’re dying here. Drowning in a quicksand of rote tasks and television. Let’s find a beach, let’s open a restaurant somewhere with too much sunshine. Let’s have no agenda except breaking the speed limit for as long as we might get away with it until we arrive. Don’t tell your friends and I won’t tell mine. We’ll find new ones. We’ll start the life we always quietly knew we’d live someday just you and me and some yet unknown but feverishly welcoming small cozy beach town. Let’s hit it ok? Or be prepared to face the consequences if we don’t.
Available. Please CONTACT US for inquiries.
Available. Please CONTACT US for inquiries.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2015-2019
TFT display, acrylic painting on relief Plexiglass cutout, teakwood frame
66(W)×47(H)×6.5(D) cm // 11.14 kg
• SLC micro SD Card
• 12" TFT LCD display with LED backlight - TKUN JT1200-HD (INPUT 12V 3A)
• LS424 media player
• 1×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 1×M120300P911 (INPUT 100~240VAC@1.2A / OUTPUT 12VDC@3A)
80(W)×61(H)×18.5(D) cm // 21.5 kg
“Flashbulb On Memory Lane” at island6 Main Space
Jin Yun 金云 (painting) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • András Gál (documentation) • Ryan Nimmo (blurb)
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2015-2019
TFT display, acrylic painting on relief Plexiglass cutout, teakwood frame
66(W)×47(H)×6.5(D) cm // 11.14 kg
• SLC micro SD Card
• 12" TFT LCD display with LED backlight - TKUN JT1200-HD (INPUT 12V 3A)
• LS424 media player
• 1×MWLPV20-5 (INPUT 100~240VAC@0.55A / OUTPUT 5V@3A)
• 1×M120300P911 (INPUT 100~240VAC@1.2A / OUTPUT 12VDC@3A)
80(W)×61(H)×18.5(D) cm // 21.5 kg
“Flashbulb On Memory Lane” at island6 Main Space
Jin Yun 金云 (painting) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • András Gál (documentation) • Ryan Nimmo (blurb)